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What's the Big Deal with MMVIII "Piracy"?
10/25/2004, 16:44:52

    Ulric the Unready writes:

    First, let me get this straight: I despise piracy in all its forms (except those starring Johnny Depp! ). I have never downloaded (or even listened to) a Napster or any other MP3 song, or bought a DVD of a current-release movie from a street vendor, nor kept a private-copied music or game CD from a friend without buying the actual retail disc. I bought my copy of MMVIII, the month it first came out, the old-fashioned way: from an EBX retail store, in a giant box (reminiscent sniff) with tons of cardboard and a manual and a quick-check reference sheet.

    What I want to know is, why is everybody on this board so freakishly pedantic about "pirated" copies of MMVIII? 3DO is DEAD - they're not getting revenue anymore, period. Nor did they create an incorporated entity to catch any residuals windfall. Nobody (who SHOULD be earning a profit) is losing money when somebody makes a copy of MMVIII for a friend. (Or is there something I don't know?)

    I wholly agree that people should not be SELLING copies of the game disc, but doesn't the definition of piracy include the assumption that the copying of the material in question causes a material (or even potential material) loss for the distributor and/or creator of said material? So, doesn't that materially impact the claim of piracy against MMVIII copying when its erstwhile creator and distributor no longer exist?

    Again, let me make it clear: I am not promoting piracy. I just don't understand how it's piracy if the creator and distributor of the game no longer exist, nor have any mechanations in place to continue making and selling the product through some other means or entity. The only way I can see this as being unlawful is if, at some future time, Ubisoft decides to rerelease the MVIII code.

    What do you think?

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