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The Great Promotion Kerfuffle
06/10/2008, 13:52:12

    Shero writes:

    All my skill points are assigned - even the two four-leaf clovers have been assigned. There just aren't enough to go around. Ten per level - so my level 9 fighter now needs 3 & 4 respectively for armor, shield, perception, blade, thrown, body building etc. etc. - so basically I can put skill points into two skills per level and that's it.

    I cannot find, in the .pdf file on disk #2 (play disk) or in either of the two walkthrus I've found online, where the levels are defined. I only see references like "Once you get enough skill points, you can promote to expert or yada yada" but it's all very general and non-specific. Or, people have written spreadsheet-style charts in full geek that I can't figure out at all.

    My fighter is now level 9 so I'm going to try again- Does *each* skill have to be a certin level in order to be promoted to expert? Or is it the character's level that is counted?

    Anyway, thanks for your help. The spells are just clumsy to cast then - I need to remember the date MM9 was made - and realize it was pretty good for it's day

    Last thought - my keyboard is a membrane and sometimes quirky. I might reinstall. Thanks again!

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