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This is just really buggy isn't it.
06/11/2008, 01:51:02

    Shero writes:

    My entire party is level 10 - my main fighter has been promoted to crusader. Both melee characters have armour=4, shield=4, one has blade=4 the other has thrown=5.

    On approaching the dwarf in Drangheim who is expert in thrown, she tells my "level 10 Crusader" that she can't advance her level 5 thrown skill to expert because she needs to be promoted first. Same thing happened with the armour expert. So my crusader is level 4-5 in 4 skills, none of which can be advanced to expert - meaning she can't wear or use the expert armour/weapons *sigh*

    On top of this, I've added this girl from Guberland (sp?) who (for $1k per month and 15% of the profits - steep, but I've already banked 20k) will teleport me to any city, any time but as soon as I open her dialogue window to tell her where I want to go, the game closes with the 'report error' message box.

    I've upgraded with the v1.3 patch - I've reinstalled - my system is more than capable of running this game - it's quite frustrating.

    On the other hand, I paid all of $2.50 off the EB Games sale table and had a good run for a few days

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