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The way promotions work in MM9...
03/19/2006, 22:46:18

    Maybeth writes:

    is vastly different from the other games. What happens in MM6-8 (and likely the earlier games as well but I can't speak to them as have not played any before MM6), is that you speak to a promoter, get a quest, and can basically do it whenever you want to from there on out until you finish the game, returning to the promoter at any time after that. In MM9 however, when you speak to the promoter he will give you the quest, but will also ask you who is interested in the promotion. A screen will come up listing each character in your party and whether or not they are eligible for the promo, and once you click on a character's name this will change to "XXXXXXX is now a candidate for...." (This is also reflected in your Quick Summary screen which is accessed by hitting the "Z" key.) This is the important part, because IF YOU DO NOT SELECT ANOYBODY YOU ARE S.O.L. Each promoter asks this question once, and only once. After that you have basically lost that promotion. Basically this means that even if you aren't sure which promotion path you want to follow, you should still nominate whoever you can right off the bat, because if not you lose that promo. If you nominate a party member and later decide you want to promo him differently, simply do the other promo quest first, and that is the promotion you will receive. This is also where frequent saving can come in handy, as you will hopefully not have to replay too much if you mess up.
    I hope all this helps,

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