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Just make sure...(more promo tips)
03/20/2006, 21:45:11

    Maybeth writes:

    that if you get the druid quest for the xp, if you really want a priest you do that quest first. Then once your priest is promoted you can go back and complete the druid quest for the xp. As I said before the reverse of this won't work, since you'd be unable to achieve priest status after becoming a druid. (and the same goes for the lich/mage, you can become a lich and do the mage quest for xp only, but not the other way around). The important trick is to agree to both promotions, and then make sure that the first one you complete is the promotion you actually want - I'm sure that the change in the promotion system for this game has led to more than a few "accidental" promotions, as new players figured out how things worked. One last thing I picked up on is that it is easy to miss promos the first time around, because the crusader and initiate promos are found so early, and the scholar/mercenary promos are found much later - I know when I first played I just took the first one I came across and was kicking myself later on when I realized what I'd missed.

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