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05/23/2010, 19:26:26

    Naal writes:

    For Regna you can use invisibility to get past the first 2 waves and enemies. Once you get to the corridor right before Blackwell Cooper or whatever his name of you can use sparks, toxic cloud, or shrapmetal and they should go down fairly fast. Some party members should have master Dark Magic by now. It might take an all Necro party a few tries to get to Regna, but is doable.

    Yes as soon as you get to Regna Ravenshore will be attacked by pirates. Even if you kill all the pirates I believe all the homes will be closed but I don't remember anymore. As soon as the Regna fleet is sunk things will go back to normal. Most of the important skills in Ravenshore I try to get before I do Regna and none of the shops are that big of a loss for a short while. You can use invisibility to get the cannon ball. It might take a few tries as sometimes the pirates will get in your way. I also like to complete the arcomage quest asap as it gives a good experience and gold reward. The artifact is only of use for a sword user. I also like to complete the bounty quest asap as is gives a huge experience rewards and the bounties on Regna aren't that hard and pay pretty well.

    I did it with relative ease with my cleric, dark elf, and 3 necro party. Even with getting the level 50 necro early I didn't really abuse shrapmetal and soul drinker that much. I only use shrapmetal against the stronger monsters. I mostly use melee attacks against the weaker and medium strength monsters. I just played the party to see how overpowered a magic heavy party would be

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