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I planned to have my party of an equal level and only invite the NPC's when my party if of their level... As for regna...
05/23/2010, 15:28:54

    Starsabre writes:

    ... well, the alliance questline is done asap to recruit necromancer in the Ravenshore and yes i can do a quick run for the latern (invisibility helps to live the trap) and clear out the keep with the egg all right (can spark most of the enemies there). Minotaur lair is also not very hard provided enough mana for sparking of course (they cant climb up while you throw it at them).

    But Regna? To get there you gotta get past more serious enemies and you have to fight to kill that capitain with a key. And if you dont sink the fleet right away dont you get ravenshore locked up (or does killing every pirate helps to unlock it?)

    Anyway you dont need regna until you are ready with people with 10 in the respective skill, by then yes, i suppose its a better idea to make haste getting there to get GM's in their respective professions.

    Soul Drinker is too imbalanced though.... tooooooooo imbalanced. Game over with five characters using it, they just become invincible unless you spam it (and get killed while recovering)

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