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Welcome back, BigBadPig!
02/23/2015, 16:12:39

    Elf writes:

    Papa Elf and I spent a very lovely afternoon in Praha at a brewpub there. It was sunny and warm, so we lunched/drank outdoors, entertained by an accordion player. It was great!

    Bones, in honor of the prodigal (both of us!) I've got another keg of my magical brew: Prague Pilsener (I know that's a contradiction in terms, since Prague is not Pilsen, but I don't know the correct terminology for Prague-ese.) BigBad, my brews taste like the best brew you ever tasted, and will make you happy without any headaches or other bad effects. Since they are magical, you will feel like you have had enough to make you ju-u-ust a little tipsy, but you will still have no impairment of judgement or any inability to operate a car safely. Drink up, everybody!

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Welcome back, and thanks for the keg!
02/23/2015, 20:53:18

    Bones writes:

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A celebration!
02/24/2015, 01:14:49

    BigBadPig writes:

    At last! No more long faces, broken dreams or... some such stuff, in short. To your health, everybody, and to your fortune! My deepest gratitude for such a warm welcome.

    The terms are quite alright: the beer is indeed brewed in Plsen, so Prague Pilsener just means it's got wonderlust and wound up in Prague, which doesn't stop it from being born in Plsen.

    And the brew is... well, let's just say you ARE a magician! It put a smile on my face with just a sip, a thing unheard of.

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Mhm -- all Taverners moving into Czech Republic?
02/24/2015, 04:24:00

    Ramillies writes:

    The horrible German names for Czech villages and towns (like Pilsen) make me gnaw the table, however.

    [ Correctly, it's called Plzeň -- the last letter being an 'n' with a little tick (officially called a caron) above it. ]

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I take your point about the spelling. But saying it is something else!
02/24/2015, 05:49:26

    Peter2 writes:

    Czech pronunciation is a closed book to me. I know that "cz" approximates to "ch" in English, but I have no idea how to set about names like Plzeň and Brno.

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No wonder. Many of the sounds used in Czech are not present in English at all.
02/24/2015, 07:12:57

    Ramillies writes:

    Moreover, we don't use "cz" -- that's Polish . The english "ch" (as in "chair") is denoted by "č" (c with a caron) -- well, not exactly, but the sound is very similar.

    But yes, there are many weird sounds in this language which you can't hear anywhere else (particularly "ř") and sounds that are really hard to get out of your mouth when you're not used to it (r, ch ... )

    And even if you can pronounce single sounds, waiting for you there are "syllable-making consonants" l and r, which make it possible to form syllables that contain no vowels. Actually Plzeň and Brno are very hard to pronounce right just because they are both 2 syllables (Pl - zeň, Br - no) but contain only 1 vowel. Extreme cases include words like "smrt" (1 syllable, meaning: death). Conjugation suffixes add to this, so you can form words like "trhl" and "zvlhl" (2 syllables both: tr - hl, zvl - hl). Oh, and I forgot to mention words words 0 syllables words () like "k", "s", "v", "z" (meanings: to, with, in, from) -- these are appended to the next word pronounced (they are all prepositions, and unlike English a Czech sentence cannot end with a preposition).

    To round it all up, this language is damn hard. I love it, people who can learn it without losing their sanity do love it, but ... it's just so hard.

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