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It's a bit messier than that....
07/02/2009, 10:15:09

    Bones writes:

    First, the map graphic of Thronheim shows the true orientation of the city. The world map of Thronhein City is rotated -90 as mentioned, but that's not unusual. Worlds are constructed in which ever way the individual designer conceives of it and then it can be rotated.

    There are two ways to rotate a world map. One can select all the objects and brushes on the map and instruct the map editor to move them. This is not something that NWC chose to do. It's much faster to put a line of code in the engine that rotates player motion by a number of degrees, so that's what they did in several instances. They messed up the rotation of Thronheim City. If we had the DAT file we could recompile it, but we don't. The only other way to fix it would be to hack the engine.

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