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Oh and I almost forgot
08/10/2006, 16:35:37

    arturchix writes:

    I really hate the level scaling of monsters in Oblivion. Where's the logic for you to be a leve 25 warrior, walk just outside the Imperial city and get attacked by bunch of bandits wearing sets of Daedric armor? Or why does Cyrodill need a hero if any of the city guards can easily trash you during most of the game? Talk about balance. IMO one of the successes of MM was that there were easy, medium and hard areas. In Oblivion there are none - they all are level scaled. You reach the main town of Cyrodill right at the start and this way don't progress anywhere. In any of the MM games you start in a small village and step by step advance into harder areas until you reach some really hard areas that are populated by fierce creatures. This thing I really missed in Oblivion.

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