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Yeah, it's sad, but don't give up hope....
03/01/2005, 22:08:02

    Bones writes:

    I'm sure JVC felt bad about how it all turned out; he pretty much went driving for two years to take his mind off of it. By all accounts, though, he'd already lost interest in M&M RPGs, anyway.

    Don't give up on Ubisoft. I'm sure they'll make an RPG someday. It's hard to make money in the gaming business, and that's what will have to happen to justify another M&M RPG, but Ubisoft should be able to do it if anyone can.

    I hadn't heard about MMt's difficulties. I admire their resolve to make an RPG from scratch; it's incredibly challenging. They might do better putting their talents behind the MM8 modding project.

    My M&M progress is quite slow these days. Real life has taken an interesting turn. Please don't pin your RPG hopes on me.

    One of the special charms of M&M RPGs is that they are like books. We all might have to go back to reading books to get the vicarious stimulation we seek. TELP will still be here, fielding questions and sharing our joys.

    Cheer up, old friend. Life is still worth living even without a new M&M to play.

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