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Really depressed tonight, reality sinking in.,
03/01/2005, 21:45:37

    patpierson writes:

    Man, I love those old Might and Magic games. They have always been something I could go back to and enjoy, no matter what else was going on in my life or in the world. There was always a new one to look forward to and they were always made with love asnd with care, you could tell that just by looking at them.

    Of course I was a bit depressed at the state MM9 was released in but I understood why it was like that and still could bring myself to enjoy it.

    Then 3DO and New World Computing closed. And all those years when I could look forward to seeing "New World Computing" at the start of a game and know it meant quality were just gone.

    And still I replayed the old games and hoped.

    Then JVC, the creator, went to work for another company without even seeming to morn the death of his creation. (At least publically, I do not presume to know what is in anyones heart.

    And then 3do was bought by a new company that seemed interested more in the strategy games than in the roleplaying games.

    And still I hoped.

    I just learned today that Sir Felgar, who put out the tech demo and was supposedly working on a fan tribute game, has apparently pretty much vanished. Some other people involved in his project have taken it over and seem to be starting from scratch, not a very good sign. But I wish them the best of luck.


    Son ow it is just you Bones. Sorry to lay all of this on you but you and some of the others here are about the only one I see who seems to really be making any progress toward improving MM9 or in doing anything else to keep the series going..

    I guess reality is starting to sink in on me at last.

    It is gone-all gone. Killed by greed or stupidity or the realities of the marketplace, or whatever-it doesn't matter.
    We seem to be coasting down that long lost highway to the end.

    Will I take out one of my old games, and play it yet again?
    will I look for a second best series to play? Will I just say the heck with it and give up gaming? I don't know right now.

    I love everyone who made those old games, and everyone on these boards, and Bones and the other people like him who are still working to try to save what can be saved.

    But I don't get the sense that many people realize just how much the world has lost with the slow dying of this series.

    And I am sad.

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