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M&M's and WinXP
02/03/2003, 14:43:22

    Serena writes:

    I'm not quite as much of a "power user" as DaveO, but I agree with him. Stick to WinXP unless you absolutely have to backtrack to Win'98, and then go the dual-boot route. I have used Windows since 3.01, including '95, '98, a bit of 'NT, 'ME (terrible), and 'XP Pro. In other words, all but Win2000. In my experience, WinXP is far more stable than any of its predecessors, and I was a BIG Win98 fan (5 machines running it).

    My advice is to every trick and workaround you can find or think of before going back to Win'98. It is a good OS, but WinXP is better, and it is the future.

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