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My reply
02/01/2003, 08:55:11

    DaveO writes:

    XP does have compatibility mode. Of course the technician is going to want your money. It's their job to sell you on things you don't need. I've always made sure that I go to Microsoft's site to get OS updates. Graphics and sound driver updates should be at a manufacturer site, but I can't recommend generic drivers. Heroes of M&M 3, Wizards and Warriors, and my copy of Starfleet Command are the only games I've needed 98 for. IF you really think you want or need 98, you'll probably be better off with a dual-boot between 98 and XP. BUT, I've used a shortcut to the MM8.EXE file to get it to run under Windows 2000 so you may need to do this for MM7 and MM8. Also, try turning off the acceleration options for MM7 and MM8. As far as your CD problems, you may need to search for a firmware update for the drive. Or you can check the Device Manager in XP to make sure there aren't any problems as well as checking the drive properties.

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