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Ah, but you've missed the very best part of the Find function....
03/15/2010, 08:31:38

    Bones writes:

    There's a setting that allows one to search for all the new posts since the last time the top page (ie, Newest) has been loaded. This relies on cookies, so you'd have to allow cookies from TELP. I have the resulting page from each tavern bookmarked, so that I always see the most recent posts. I have to refresh the top page periodically to re-set my cookie, though.

    All that aside, we *could* get a new PHP script for the taverns -- for free, even. There are some good ones out there, but we're attached to the retro look of the boards the way they are. This is the way they looked when the web was a bit less slick and people formed communities out of thin air. Viewers can see all of a discussion's subject lines in context without wading through a wall of text.

    We're not attached to our particular software -- just the look and feel. Please let us know of any modern scripts that can be configured in the same way. Thanks.

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