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And Happy Burns Night to you, too.
02/04/2025, 08:18:52

    Peter2 writes:

    I remember, sometime in the early 80's, attending a Burns Night at the Chester Caledonian Society. The classic meal, haggis, bashed neeps and chappit tatties (translation mashed swedes and mashed potatoes) and a bottle of whisky per every 4 people. And when a bottle was emptied, it was immediately replaced. And the toast to "The Immortal Memory" of Robert Burns was given standing on our chairs with one foot on the table.

    My experience is that it's very difficult to get a decent haggis anywhere much south of where we live, and you've got to be careful here. McSween's is the most widely available one that's reliably good.

    Only Scotch is whisky. All the others are whiskey. That I do promise you!

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