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The ones we have had have imitated lager beers rather than ales, which I prefer.
06/22/2024, 11:19:55

    Peter2 writes:

    The first one widely available was Calibre. Its initial taste was – hmm – acceptable, just about, but for me at least, I found it had a metallic aftertaste which I found unpleasing. but at least I could drink as much as I liked (at most 3!) without worrying about triggering the breathalyser. I then switched to Becks's Blue, which I found considerably more acceptable, although I'm still not enthusiastic about it. The San Miguel is marginally better, but it's still a matter of the least bad rather than the best. Never mind, I suppose they'll get there in the end. At least, I hope so. I also hope I'm still around to see it!

    Talking of "still vertical", there was a very dear friend of mine who, when asked how he was getting on, used to reply with a broad smile and the words "Vertical, and still warm!" I went to his funeral last month *sigh*.

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