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NAB, the latest fad (Doggone! I neglected to patent it.)
06/18/2024, 14:26:00

    The Elf Herself writes:

    The brewers in the U.S. have been busy little bees, creating a new brew: non-alcoholic beer that actually tastes pretty good, considering. It's taken the country by storm A far cry (so I'm told) from the 1920's Prohibition days' "near beer," (usually described as "Nowhere-near-beer.") Unlike that stuff, this latest brew isn't just watered down regular beer. Apparently the brewers take real beer recipes for all types (ales, lagers, altbiers, porters, stouts, and numerous other styles, then just ferment the grain to about .5% alcohol. The special grains, hops, water, and yeast are used for each style.) The result takes a little getting used to, but grows on you. You can taste whether they've used hops of Cascade, East Kent Golding, Hallertauer(sp?), or what-have-you; what sort of grain was used, and what style of malt. (Elf prefers chocolate malt for dark brews, and more "liquid bread-y" malts for paler brews.) Granted, you won't get schnockered, just like my brews, and you can pass a blood-alcohol test if required. But unfortunately, these brews don't change flavor to match your wish, nor do they rest in never-ending kegs, since the other brewers don't have access to Elf Magic.
    I'm thinking of starting a Non-Alcoholics Anonymous chapter--anyone care to join?

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