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Bones can probably put the numbers on these, but in outline, it works like this:
07/02/2013, 04:47:26

    Peter2 writes:

    You can look at fame in two ways. One way, which I prefer, is that it is a way of keeping score, and I take it that in this game it is another word for experience. The game score is derived from total experience divided by the time taken to complete the game. This is why the top scorers are those who complete the game most quickly.

    I have never made any effort to score highly in this game. My objective is to do everything doable, go everywhere reachable, and develop my characters to the limit of their capabilities. This takes time.

    The other way of looking at it is a measure of how extreme your reputation is. The most famous parties are either saintly or notorious. Reputation is an artefact of the game, and its only function is to allow permitted characters to Master the mirrored path magics. Positive reputation values are assigned for "good" quests, but not, TTBOMK, for good deeds, whereas negative reputation values are assigned to both evil quests (anything that helps Baa, for example) and bad deeds. You can get a notorious rep any time you like, but once the good quests are completed, getting a saintly rep is impossible. Neither can you keep any extreme rep, saintly or notorious, by doing only neutral deeds - as game time passes, your rep drifts back towards average.

    One thing that always puzzled me was why getting yourself healed by the Curator in Castle Kriegspire had such an adverse effect on your rep. I guess it's because the Curator was set up by an evil character (whose name I cannot offhand recall at the moment), but that's pure surmise on my part.


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