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Best and Worst MM6 dungeons
02/16/2024, 15:36:47

    Joy Despret writes:

    Hello forum. What are your picks for the best and worst MM6 dungeons?

    My picks (text wall incoming...)

    The BEST

    <b>The Temple of Baa</b>

    Mostly gets the pick because of how much it has to offer. Four pockets full of monsters for easy XP, some rather interesting puzzles, including the infamous NEWS riddle, some great aesthetics, clever traps and secret passages, the MEGA SKELETON ARMY BOSS FIGHT that is EPIC and ofc the room full of nice treasure.

    <b>Tomb of Ethric the Mad</b>

    The vibes in this place are just top notch. Full of crannies and scary undead, it manages to give the impression of a HoMM Neropolis town. Also, the Liches are a tough fight for so relatively early in this game and the caskets give great loot. Really gives a new MM6 party a taste of what typical MM6 endgame has to offer.

    <b>Dragon's Lair</b>

    Below the mountains of an eerie swamp full of undead, to earn the prestigious rank of HERO. I mean c'mon, slaying your first dragon, and to top it all off it's NAMED.

    <b>Castle Kriegspire</b>

    IMO this is my favorite of the castles. A more compact and neat layout, good distribution of enemies, Lurch, secrets and easter eggs and also the aesthetics: basically the Dungeon town from HoMM.

    <b>Tomb of VARN</b>

    Ancient Egyptian themes never disappoint, especially in a fairy medieval setting like Enroth, but the lore and the vibes really bring out the science fantasy potential this series has that has unfortunatley been lost over time. The place is HUUUGE, lots of tough enemies, cool rooms, cool layout, Star Trek references and the final Sci-Fi room that bring up the killer robots.

    <b>Agar's Lab</b>

    <i> In Agar's laboratory
    Lives the smartest lich you've ever seen
    The party blows his experiments to smithereeeens
    There is gloom and doom
    And eyes go boom
    in Agar's Laaaaaaaab</i>

    <b>Temple of the Snake</b>

    Resides in the middle of a lake, has scary Medusae that turn you into stone, statues of innocent men everywhere, TRAPS, the Gold Dragon, the secret room with Q, overall just an interesting place.

    <b>The Hive</b>

    Saving the best for last, it may look like a cliche, but it is what it is. The Hive is an epic dungeon. The whole aesthetics is scary AF, but the good kind of scary, like being into a gaming creepypasta that doesn't actually suck. The whole vibe that make s you feel like you are crawling into the intestine or womb of a rouge planet, the sci-fi elements that remind you IT'S a spaceship, the eerie music with banshee growls and slow tick-tick-tick, the wasteland that is Sweet Water and the boss. The Hive Queen is SCARY AF. Now the negatives is that blasters practically make this dungeon the easiest one in the game, with the Queen being a pushover as MM6 bosses are seriously lacing, which makes me feel that this dungeon has a lot of wasted potential. I got MAW nightmare mod on my MM6 that makes monsters and esp bosses MUCH stronger and scarier, oh my, this dungeon better give me nightmares for months.

    Now for the worst

    Abandoned Temple & Goblinwatch

    I put them in the same category mostly because they both rather boring early-game dungeons. Enemies are also rather bad, most of them are vermin who look ugly, cause nasty status effects that a level 1 party has trouble curing and also have bad loot. While Goblinwatch redeems itsef with some cool puzzles and traps, the Abandoned Temple has no such luck. There being so many quests for the temple is also a minus meaning that you cannot easily skip it, especially when you play challenge runs or difficulty mods where every point of XP matters. The only redeeming quality of the temple are the beginning and end rooms that look interesting and intriguing, but 90% of the place being caverns makes said potential lost.

    Also, both but especially the temple are wayyy to big for early dungeons. IMO this skews up the perception of how "big" future dungeons should be.

    Temple of the Sun

    Not even 5 seconds after you enter this place you have like 20 spells blowing up straight in your face. Monks are in general really annoying enemies, but this place takes it a step further. Also, let's not forget the Minotaur King that is placed here for no explicable lore reason whatsoever and to add insult to injury also doesn't guard the chalice making him optional? IDK, just weird design.

    Free Haven Sewers

    By the time you reach Free Haven chances are you already outgear this dungeon, so most chests will be filled with trash anyway. This place is too big, room density too small, looks UGLY AF and also confusing to boot. To top it all off, you also need to do this for a council quest, meaning that you cannot skip it. On the bright side, it has a lot of potions and empty bottles, so if you like alchemy, its good.

    Corlagon's Estate

    A dungeon with ghosts and skellies for a secondary class promotion is absurd. For paladins you have to slay a dragon, for knight you have to go through the Warlord's Fortress, but here, a measle Power Lich? This is like a longer and worse version of Ethric, except with worse gear. And since you need archmage for master air most parties will have to go trough this place sooner or later, thus making the Estate look like a chore.

    Silver Helm Outpost

    I always had the feeling that this place is a bit too overtuned for a level 7-8 party. While swordsmen are not terribly bad, the captain and master monk will be the bane of your existence. First time i zoned in the captain one shot my cleric. Fun times. Also, grace god the stairs.

    Gharik's Forge

    This place is a complete circus, fireballs bouncing left and right, fire elementals in your face when you last expect, Cure Insanity, Cure Insanity, Cure Insanity and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, here comes the lava canal. Oh yeah, also more Insanity. This place is the Silver Helm outpost on steroids.

    And now for the last and without a doubt also the other than...i mean you all saw it coming from a mile away

    Castle Darkmoor

    Every Might and Magic 6 gamester's worst nightmare. What is weird is that it starts rather decent enough: some corridors with some ogres. OK. But then you get into the big ass football stadiums full of liches that dispel all of your powerful buffs before you even have the chance to cast them again. You can kiss your wizard eye goodbye. Also the eyes. OH MY GOD the eyes. Worst think about them, other than the fact that they cause annoying status effects, is their magic resistances. Each is immune to a different type of element, so other than a 100 SP costing Dragon Breath and an Acid Burst, there is no school of magic that has good AoE to bring every type down. Oh, and you think their resistances are intuitive, like, say, "Oh the terrible eye is blue it must be immune to cold!" WRONG! Its immune to FIRE. IF THEY ARE IMMUNE TO FIRE, WHY ARE THEY BLUE?! Besides this the whole place is super big and confusing to navigate, at one point there is an entire castle buried underneath a cave. And OFC it has to have that ugly muddy brown brick color that makes everything hard to discern, doubly so as Torch Light will immediately be dispelled.

    This is my list. What is yours? Make them as long as you want, i am DYING to hear your opinions.

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My picks
02/20/2024, 01:22:08

    Ossie writes:

    Best - Agree:
    Temple of Baa - for all the reasons you mention

    Castle Kriegspire - best of the castles, not too big, not too small

    The Hive - being ubers by the time you reach the end is classic MM. The Queen could have been harder, but that whole last room is way dialled up in the Merge Mod, you actually have to be strategic rather than just waltz in & blast away. Check it out

    Best - disagree:
    Tomb of VARN - interesting but ultimately too long for my taste, esp the Water Temple where you hang around for HOURS trying to clear the Genies

    Best - my other choices:
    Shadow Guild Hideout - I love this dungeon - almost my favourite with the Temple of Baa. If you didn't lose the Prince of Thieves, you might even miss it. Cutpurses are pretty lame for opponents, and the loot is meh, but it has more mechanical goodies: doors that open differently, and the floor tiles. And the ultimate reward is a four-way teleport room to some non-Town Portal maps, where you can plop a Lloyd's Beacon and suddenly your travel options have opened up hugely

    Dragoons Caverns - surprise packet for such an early area. Bigger than first appears, hard-hitting enemies and the slime area where you have to use entirely different tactics

    Temple of the Moon - small with a simple little puzzle but a tough final room protecting the Druid promo

    Hall of the Fire Lord - something else you might miss with the only quest given inside. Like Corlagon's Estate below, you have to keep re-checking areas that open up as you explore

    Temple of Tsantsa - just cool. Like Corlagon & Fire Lord, you have to keep re-checking areas that open up as you find the levers. And that final room with all the Cobras is wild for a lowish-level party

    Supreme Temple of Baa - decent size, need to keep your wits about you, some secret areas to discover, and I'm a sucker for anything with mechanical elements

    Worst - agree:
    Free Haven Sewers - good idea, and not badly set out, but the enemies & loot are underwhelming. However, you could even argue this is on brand, with of course rats being the main things in sewers. Could have been beefed up as a Prince of Thieves hideout with some henchmen & lair loot - they improved this in MM7

    Worst - disagree:
    Goblinwatch. I love Goblinwatch. Not sure why, I just always have. As above, the cheesy mechanical puzzle, it's bigger than it first appears but not too big, and the hidden chainmail in the wall is a good early-game easter egg

    Corlagon's Estate - I don't hate this at all. Decent puzzles where you have to keep re-checking areas that open up as you find the levers. It's not a favourite, but not on my least favourite list

    Silver Helm Outpost - this will be a recurring theme: not a favourite, but doesn't deserve a least favourite. Fine for what it is

    Gharik's Forge - as above. Not a favourite, not terrible. Insanity hardly matters, and again I love any kind of mechanical puzzle (the bridges)

    Castle Darkmoor - yes it's large, annoying and confusing, but that's kind of the point. By then you're almost walking around smacking stuff with no concerns; this forces you to reassess. No buffs, no Wizard Eye, mapping largely useless.....welcome back to reality, my previously smug party. Not a favourite - probably not anyone's favourite - but I like that it exists, if only because The Hive is somewhat of an anticlimax. Oh and BTW, in the Merge Mod, Eyes are now immune to Dragon Breath. You think you hate it now!

    Worst - my other choices:
    Caves of the Dragon Riders - my god do I hate this. No quest attached, just caves and caves and caves of Dragons for those who have to complete everything. Ugh. I hate this so much

    Superior Temple of Baa - some parts are alright, the spiral is kind of cool, and the Baa Heads are a nice reward, but I *HATE* the huge room with all the Priests. So tedious

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I've never thought of them in that way, I've always categorised them more in terms of their difficulty, especially when that is complicated by when you need to tackle them
02/20/2024, 10:45:57

    Peter2 writes:

    Darkmoor is always difficult for all the reasons you've stated, but you don't actually need to tackle it before you've reached level 70 or thereabouts. At that point it's not hard as long as you don't get yourself lost. In contrast, you have to tackle Goblinwatch and the Abandoned Temple of Baa early and with a pretty inexperinced party, and you have to be quite careful in how you do it. Similarly, if you take on the Silver Helm Outpost too soon, those soldiers and monks will take your party to pieces.

    In Darkmoor, Dragon Breath will very swiftly dispose of the Eyes, and nothing else will survive Shrapmetal at contact range. Just blast away and then beacon out, recharge from the Fountain of Magic, and beacon back. Rinse, and repeat.

    The two dungeons that I've never particularly liked are Varn and the Hall of the Fire Lord, both of them because they are big and complicated, and in the case of the Hall of the Fire Lord, you have to go over the same ground again and again to make sure you haven't missed something.

    Similarly, I always do the "octagon room" in the Shadow Guild, but I try never to do it more than once. I've always thought it a bit of pain to have to go trogging slowly and carefully around the floor to trigger the teleport to just outside the "4-teleporter room". I never go back there unless I lose the King of Thieves after I've captured him and before I've delivered him to Anthony Stone.

    Apart from those limitations, I don't find any of the dungeons particularly hard if tackled by a party of sufficient experience.

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And my picks...
02/23/2024, 08:52:55

    Ramillies writes:

    Completely agree with the (Lesser) Temple of Baa and Castle Kriegspire.

    I really like the Hive too. Just as you said: it has great atmosphere. I don't care if it's too easy: I think that it's actually kind of the point.

    What I love about MM6 in general is how it has several stages, each feeling almost like a different game. At first, you don't even feel like a hero, and a couple of bats and rats is more than enough for you; here you have to be cautious and pick your battles. Then you get into the "early middle game" that I enjoy the most: you have some nice items and start to get useful spells, but you're far from "maxed up". You have an immense freedom to go anywhere and do anything, you start working some of the Council quests and promotions. Then you obtain Fly and Town Portal/Lloyd's Beacon spells and the game suddenly plays very differently (you need to go more linear as well). And in the last stage, you get blasters and the game plays like a FPS. I consider the Hive to be a sort of a "reward" for the player: you've fought hard to get the blasters, now you can enjoy blasting through the Kreegans and finish the game. I also like it doesn't overstay its welcome.

    Tomb of VARN — agree completely. Somehow, I just like how huge the MM6's dungeons are, and I like that navigating around them is an actual challenge. The sci-fi elements like the radiation and the Star Trek room are very nice too.

    My only problem with it is that the developers have restricted themselves to 3 monster types per dungeon. And because there is a single robot down in the control room, you have only 2 types for the rest of the huge dungeon. I would like to have more.

    Castle Alamos — nobody has mentioned it yet, but I like it too, for similar reasons. The dungeon is huge, with different interesting parts, and you can enjoy some good combat and good loot there.

    Silver Helm Outpost — here I disagree completely. I enjoy this dungeon quite a lot. Not because of its construction, but because it forms a kind of "rite of passage". Defeating the captain and the monks is difficult, but it feels good. And since there's only one captain and not so many monks etc., it's doable and, for me, enjoyable. However, I agree with the stairs being clunky and a bit frustrating.

    Goblinwatch — it's interesting you classify it as one of the worst. I would say it's one of the best, and a very good first dungeon. It's not small, but not too large either, it has various nice puzzles and several different parts where you have to employ different tactics. I also think it has a great atmosphere (actually, when I played MM6 as a kid, the various growling sounds scared me so much that I didn't go in that dungeon at all!) And the goblin guard on the top is priceless (you can talk with him about humans, and he explains how pitiful they are ). But I can agree that the Abandoned Temple is not that great, though I don't think it's too bad, too.

    Sewers — I liked them for some reason. Probably because there are so many entry points through various houses in the city. The fact that the loot is worthless and the enemies weak didn't bother me, really...

    However, the Halls of the Fire Lord don't belong to my favorites. I find them to be more confusing than VARN, less atmospheric, they also have only two types of boring monsters (because there's one jackal man somewhere), and it doesn't have any kind of "rewarding conclusion". To top it off, when I went through them, I didn't get a key from the jackal man due to a glitch, and I had to hack it in using a save game editor.

    Darkmoor — I must agree with Ossie: of course I suffer when going through, but it forces you to play differently, and that's a good thing. It adds to my rejoicing about how the game shifts gears many times, feeling very different each time. And the cathedral buried in a cave beneath the castle is IMHO very nice.

    Agar's Lab -­ I'm surprised anyone likes it . It's not good for anything, and for me, it's just a generic dungeon with uninspired layout, lots of those cursed eyes, and very slim loot .

    That's all for now...

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