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Thanks for answers, well i see some people have their own ways to play...
05/24/2010, 02:57:22

    Starsabre writes:

    ...Mine always was to think of a might party as of a balance, like if we exchange blows i can kill you faster than you do. And mage party as a resource management. Like, you deal with him faster for more mana or slower but for less mana.

    It has always been like this for me, and for this purpose at least in MM6-MM8 the spells were ranged from weak but mana efficient to strong but not so efficient (which i liked very much). Of course some spells were just... useless in that manner (like implosion dealing just 1 more damage per skill but costing twice mana) and some were imbalanced with no alternatives (sparks until they got a decent alternative of poison spray in MM7) but overall, a progression existed that was very nice. I'd use sparks when i could kill an enemy in a burst without getting hit or firebolt to just clear them from range, fireball or rockblast to deal with multiple enemies that are close together, or poison clouds for fast kill of tough opponents in a dungeon without going into melee etc.

    I could understand a 100% increase in cost for 150% increase in damage, even 100% for 100%, even 100% for 80% but hell, 150% for 40% what is that?

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