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* and more *
06/26/2009, 10:54:00

    DCP23 writes:

    * some items of no particular importance that couldn't be deleted or unloaded into a bank vault before CAN be deleted / unloaded now. (Ex.: the boat schedule, the page from a 'book on undead behavior', etc.)

    I find it irritating and insulting that you should have anything in your inventory that you can't ever get rid of. I mean, if it's an essential quest item, then it's non-deletable but it'll disappear after the quest is completed. If it's not a quest item, then you should be able to deal with it as you please. No exceptions.

    * you get much more experience now when you kill the Dragon King.

    Let's put things into perspective -- he's the baddest, meanest, biggest monster in the whole game. He is like, sixty feet tall. And you get LESS experience for killing him than for dispatching five or six Lizard-Orcs in the last room of the Training Hall? Hello?

    * you'll have a choice now of how to kill Yanmir -- either drop him through the floor of the Sky Fort or face him in combat, the old-fashioned way.

    Might & Magic was always about the freedom of choices. If something could be done differently, by all means, do it differently! Bones' patch made Yanmir totally impervious to harm. This is not right, that's not what the developers intended (and I have proof of that), and that's illogical. He is not a God (and even Njam can be killed), just a big bad Giant. He is mortal.

    However: in the words of various Frosgard residents, he is "too tough for most people to kill". So now he is! He's got 10 times as much hit points as before (9000+ instead of 900+), about 1/4th that of the Dragon King. But his resistances are lower and he is killable! Of course you can kill him either way and the quest will still work perfectly.

    Another point to note is that Yanmir dies in an interesting way when killed in melee, sort of like melts into the floor while still standing upright. No other monster in the game dies in the same way.

    And of course you get more experience if you kill him the hard way. In the words of Grehgknak the Right of the Lindisfarne Monastery, "Do not be drawn to the easy path. For true enlightenment comes through trials. Face the trials with courage, honor, and nobility, and you shall come out rewarded."

    * Yanmir's sidekicks, the Forest Giants that appear in the Sky Fort after you kill Yanmir and re-enter it, are also 10 times as tough now and reward you with significantly more experience when killed.

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