Did everything else connected to the Fizbin of Malfortune have to do with that one Star Trek episode too? If so, it's likely that the Fizbin is connected to something from Star Trek (possibly that single episode) in MM9 too; it would make sense. So what other ST references exist inside MM9?
It also occurs to me that whatever Fizbin is good for in MM9 could be one of those things not finished.
For anyone who never watched Star Trek: These to items (Fizbin and Quatloo) were part of an episode where Kirk was enslaved and had to wear a slave collar; he was placed into a sort of reality TV show and the enemy bet on what he would do. Fizbin was a game he made up on the spot to confuse the enemy, and Quatloo coins were the currency the enemy used to bet on his actions. I have forgotten how he escaped (someone remind me; it might be important for what Fizbin does in MM9).