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02/24/2007, 03:16:13

    screwtype writes:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Glad and Assassin have no magic abilities at all, is that right?

    Not that it necessarily matters I guess, but in some games some backup magic skills on your melee fighters can be quite useful.

    Personally, I think the Ranger's 3x bow shot is pretty good, and I would have thought having 100% perception ability is very useful, but it's true that rangers are often a bit weak in other areas.

    Normally I always have a paladin in my party though, in some games they are essential and I sort of like having one chivalrous guy in my party Being able to use any kind of armour is nice too - it sucks to get some really cool armour and not be able to use it - but I suppose weapon skills are generally more important. After all, armour can save you hit points, but despatching monsters quicker is probably a better method of saving them!

    Anyhow, since my party is up to lvl 16, it's a bit late to start again, and in any case it makes a change to be fielding an assassin for once

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