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I think (and someone please correct me if I am wrong)...
09/10/2007, 22:23:05

    Maybeth writes:

    that the NPC's in the Adventurer's Inn can be used for storage. If this is you're first time thru the game then I'll try to explain a bit better (for those who know all this please forgive the rambling). You will have noticed that you only start off with one character. And throughout the game certain NPC's will offer to join you, as you've no doubt also seen. Some you may have hired, some you may not have. The ones you don't hire (or any that you have hired and then fired at some point), will go to stay at the Adventurer's Inn, where you can go hire or re-hire them at any point in the game. And while they are waiting there, they will store anything you stuff into their inventories, until such time as you want it. So go, hire anybody you can, pilfer whatever equipment of theirs you want, stuff them with anything you can think of, then fire them, safe in the happy knowledge that all of your various items will be waiting for you to come and get it. To do that, go back to the Inn, hire the person who's holding the item you want, grab that item, then fire them again. Repeat as necessary.

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