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MM VIII Working on XP Now
09/21/2004, 14:22:06

    Eagle Scout writes:

    I finally managed to get MM VIII working on XP. There were two things I had to do to get it to work. I had to upgrade to XP Service Pack 2 first. I tried many, many ways to get it to work on SP 1 and just could not get it to work. The second was to download the Application Compatibility Toolkit from Microsoft and the app compatibility database from GammaRay. My compliments to GammaRay for his work on the database.

    The whole setup is a few posts below. It worked on the first try after loading the XP Service Pack 2 without me tweaking anything. Now to get the XP Service Pack 2 on my home computer. It took over 1 hour to load it here at work with high speed data lines. I am going to check for a cd of the XP Service Pack 2 or it will take hours and hours to load the XP SP2 with a 56kb dialup modem!

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