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Doing it w/o shrapmetal is definitely harder
01/17/2015, 18:05:33

    Chandor writes:

    But using the leap into the stands technique I could blaster the dragons into oblivion at level 120 or so. Although I also did a lot of repairing and I did use power cure spells...
    Just tried using blasters to kill the dragons. Apparently if you just hold down the fire button (A) in realtime mode it only checks whether the blasters are OK when you start firing. The dragons broke all my blasters and I kept firing anyway!. Until I had to move to line up on some more dragons. Then I had to repair them before I could start another continuous fire round
    I didn't need to heal, but everyone was in the red at the end. Took about twice as long as shrapmetalling. That's at level 808


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