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That depends how often you use the +20 level well!
11/20/2013, 16:00:00

    Peter2 writes:

    I remember the first time I found that well. I thought "Great!" and I was happily using it again and again to tackle areas where I was having difficulty. Then I went exploring north of the mountains in Kriegspire, and ventured a bit too far west. WHAM! I suddenly had 3 dead party members, and one on his last legs before I could get out of range and find somewhere to rest up and heal. I reckon the only reason I got away was that my sorcerer got killed and I fell out of the sky, so the Energy Drakes' fire went over me. I don't know how many there were in all, but I reckon there were certainly the top side of 60, in three massive clumps.

    I came back and salted their tails later, though *evil grin*. I got a lot of good stuff from them too, as I recall.

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