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07/14/2005, 02:35:08

    Gyula writes:

    some errors was at:

    outa3.odm (topsy-turvy)
    outc1.odm (some interstice near road, this effect is on some other maps)
    outc1-2-3.odm ("unknown error", not evrey time!)
    outd2.odm ("unknown error", not evrey time!)

    And I think the prg will be much better the user can use the cursor keys instead of WASD keys.

    CONGRATULATION! And I give you my best regards, coz your prg's engine is better then the original mm6 . Is it possible to turn on some antialiasing effect?

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  • hmm - Gyula ( Thu 14-Jul-05 02:57:05 ) +1
    • Updated - angel_death ( Thu 14-Jul-05 16:08:12 ) link