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MM6-8 map viewer
07/10/2005, 19:30:59

    angel_death writes:

    unpack into game folder and launch mm_mapviewer.exe
    setting in config.ini:
    Width = 800 - resolution
    Window = 1 1 - window mode 0 - fullscreen
    Freq = 75 display frequency
    Bpp = 32 color depth

    mapname = maps/d01.blv - map loaded on start

    WSAD - move
    SHIFT - +speed
    L - load map
    ESC - quit
    P - toggle portals (only blv maps)

    MOUSE1 - select BModel (only ODM maps)
    MOUSE2 - select Face

    h - hide/show selected bmodel
    j - reset hided bmodels

    Related link: Might & Magic 6-8 map viewer

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