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Remaking MM6 in Morrowind
05/16/2017, 07:22:46

    Vaoe writes:

    I'm remaking Might and Magic 6 in Morrowind. Both games were easily the best gaming experiences I've had. I thought some of you might also be interested. If you Google search for videos 'Might and Morrowind' you'll find how I'm getting along, I think I'll have new Sorpigal completed by end of June.

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Good luck!
05/17/2017, 04:49:54

    Peter2 writes:

    I never played the Elder Scrolls games, and I may have missed out there. I'll add them to the lengthening list of things I want to do when I (finally) fully retire!

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Thanks Peter
05/20/2017, 09:35:21

    Ray writes:

    The Elder Scrolls series were great, although I felt after Morrowind the games became prettier but more simple in many respects.

    I've come along much further than I expected. I have only quests to script atm and to finish Goblinwatch's interior and New Sorpigal is complete (the forge however is not as I'll be doing it with Mist).

    I've also managed to add an aspect of MMVI that was omitted in the final release: rival adventurers! You'll be seeing a lot of a certain group of 4 adventures that you might be very familiar with I may also use Morrowind's factions to give much more weight and importance to reputation than MMVI had in the end. I think than rather than just turn up at a Lord's court you maybe should have to impress your fame upon the world a little more.

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Oh, wow!
05/30/2017, 13:51:38

    The Elf Herself writes:

    As someone who has spent over 1000 hours on Morrowind (recently and in 2002,) I'll look forward to seeing your mod. These two games are among my all-time favorites.

    Good luck!

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Compared to the time spoent in M&M6, my own investment in Morrowind was a drop in the bucket! I'm about to start Pillars of Eternity now. NT
12/24/2017, 08:58:23

    The Kiwi writes:

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Good luck from me as well!
06/11/2017, 13:46:10

    Ramillies writes:

    It would be really great to have MM6 rebuilt like this. Certain things made MM6 drop a little low on my list (most notably the fact that it resembles a FPS at times -- buy the bows and shoot everything in sight), but if the world could be made more "living" and "meaningful", I'd be very happy to return.

    (And even more so since MM6 still has quite a few great things. Just have look at those dungeons for instance, especially Tomb of VARN and the Castles (except for Kriegspire which is quite simple). I could wander for hours in each of these. I'm still waiting to see anything like it in other games.)

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That it is so simple and actiony is what I love about it though...
07/24/2017, 09:41:17

    Sudo writes:

    There simply aren't any modern games where you can engage hoards of enemies. And it simply wouldn't be MM6 without lots of enemies and LOOT! that's important. And if possible it would be great to have the loot picked up automatically, and expand the Morrowind inventory.

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— Well, if I want to hack&slash tons of enemies, I fire up Torchlight for a moment.
07/25/2017, 03:40:10

    Ramillies writes:

    If I could enjoy some more tactical combat in MM6, it would be such a great game. Well, it's a great game anyway, but it would be even greater

    But I didn't say anything about the loot! Loot is absolutely essential! I also love the inventory system which contributes a "Tetris" minigame, in conjunction with many kinds of weirdly shaped items.

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If MM6 was as fast-paced as Hexen, I would enjoy it even more
08/01/2017, 01:59:49

    sudo writes:

    Torchlight 2 (never played 2 though)? As I didn't enjoy the RPG system in one that much, but enjoyable enough to play through. I would have totally agreed if you said Diablo 2, or what do you say?

    If it was more like Hexen, with its speed, and mini-bosses, and more puzzles on the maps, and why not co-op, hehe, it would be the best game in the world (to me that is).

    And the strategy required should be sufficient without turn-based. Like how you equip yourself for battle, and how you use your environment.

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I meant Torchlight 1. The second one somehow failed to impress me.
08/01/2017, 06:32:05

    Ramillies writes:

    Diablo 2 didn't really catch me as well.

    But I'm mostly the turn-based strategy guy -- not quite into these types of games. I liked Torchlight 1 for the cartoony feel (esp. if you turn off the gore) and for the fact that there were lots of meaningful abilities (and that the XP you can get from the whole game is sufficient to get roughly 1/3 of those, so it's never just "maxing out everything") and because of the pet that can carry you stuff around and sell it in the town (and cast some nice spells too, if you give him the scrolls) and some more things.

    Occasionally I play Diablo 1 (it's short so I can finish it before it starts to be boring ), but still, the only interesting character for me is the mage and the game is basically over when you get a fireball book and/or the mana shield book.

    (And finally, I have never played Hexen. It just seemed to be another Doom clone with same things that just have other graphics, but maybe I'm wrong?)

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I see, well, about Hexen...
08/04/2017, 05:59:05

    Sudo writes:

    It's mostly the concept of it, really, and especially playing co-op and working through puzzles together, with different classes (just having different weapons really).

    There is a great co-op let's play of Hexen 1 on YouTube. That's my experience of the first game pretty much, then just a bit of playing around in it in the Doomsday engine.

    But I've played pretty far into Hexen 2, which implements the same concept of puzzles and co-op, and let's not forget: fast running! But it lacks the first games classical charm. So it's just the concept that's interesting to me.

    The levels in Hexen are also less linear than most might and magic levels, as some puzzles are pretty spread out. And you can teleport between levels, but no open-world, or proper RPG elements.

    So that's why I say the best of MM6 + the best of Hexen = the best game ever, lol.

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Well, I see your point. Incidentally, the most amazing thing on MM6 for me were the dungeons.
08/05/2017, 16:49:23

    Ramillies writes:

    Like the Tomb of VARN. Or the Halls of the Firelord. Or the Castles. Just immense.

    Even the Goblinwatch is quite a complicated dungeon. I'd expect a few simple rooms with a few simple monsters for the first dungeon of the game. But no way.

    Anyway, I think you got me to have at least a look at that game on YouTube (though I won't probably play it)

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I'm not a fan of FPS games in general, but I enjoyed Hexen
08/12/2017, 21:47:57

    Peter2 writes:

    Unfortunately, my digital dexterity has now dropped to the point where I can no longer get through it.

    If you want puzzles, though, I still think one of the best games of all was MM3. OK, the game engine is now antique, but I still think it is one of the best-designed RPGs ever made.

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I had a better look at it...
08/22/2017, 07:01:38

    Ramillies writes:

    and while I can see what the people like about it (and I quite liked watching the Let's Play on Youtube as well), it's still not the game for me

    (And as for the puzzles: it looks like Hexen's idea of a puzzle is a ton of hidden switches you need to flip, as far one from another as possible. Which is not particularly appealing to me.)

    MM3 is surely nice. I wonder if I ever get enough time to play it through...

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That has been my problem for some years. But I'm retiring in about 6 months . . .
08/29/2017, 12:33:54

    Peter2 writes:

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Are you? That's great!
09/12/2017, 15:21:52

    Ramillies writes:

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It's looking good! it's something I've been considering as well...
07/24/2017, 10:30:55

    Sudo writes:

    I understand why you'd choose Morrowind (someone chose Oblivion before for MM7), but as I see it, it doesn't just limit the game graphically, but also the ability to recreate some parts of MM6.
    Like having a party, being the obvious one, though not that important as many enjoys playing MM6-8 as a solo character.

    Another thing is the big juicy item art, which I find quite important.
    And being able to slay a hoard of enemies and just walk through speed-looting *ka-ching-ching-ching*, hehe.
    And having LOTS of LOOT as well! that's what makes an action-RPG!

    It being so actiony as well as requiring some slower action (reconsidering, evaluating) at times is what makes it so enjoyable to me.

    I think you'd have to chose a pure game engine to replicate it better. It will require learning quite a bit, but it would be worth it.
    Also, the Morrowind Construction Set looks very clumsy, and I doubt you'd miss it after learning a proper game engine.
    It will take a while to get even the basic RPG elements in, sure, but the results will be more satisfying.
    But you might find the Morrowind RPG system sufficient, and just want to add content to it. So it would be fine.
    But for this course, I'd recommend just making New Sorpigal and the surrounding lands richer with content.
    Or you'll end up with a game like MM9, which is extremely sparse, and misses a lot of simple things which made the earlier games great.

    Well, in any case, let your creativity flow, and ever make progress, and you will end up with something you can be proud of.

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