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Gandalf is right
03/18/2012, 04:03:44

    Ossie writes:

    First you talk to the Dock Master & pick any of the locations he suggests. Then when you talk to the Honkies there should be dialogue options that you want to learn more about the Great Honk, and arrange for them to meet you and some "other interested friends" at the docks. They run off flapping their arms but from memory they don't actually "leave" town - you can still find them. Once you have spoken to all 3 you should get the quest completed "ding" - return to Kirra.

    I only completed this about a month ago myself & from memory I had trouble getting it to complete as well. I think it may be if you spoke to the Honkies before the Dock Master. I just went back to the start, spoke to the Dock Master, then went & spoke to all 3 Honkies, even if I'd already spoken to them. Then it worked

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