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What about World/Swords of Xeen?
03/03/2009, 22:01:23

    Sean writes:

    So I realize this is a pretty old thread, but I want to give it a shot anyways.

    My version of MM Millennium edition has MM 4, 5, 6 and 7. I got 6 to work fine in XP (sp2/3), and 7 it gives me the warning about my system not be good enough but still installs. However, for World and Swords of Xeen, it simply says "World of Xeen cannot be run on Windows NT. Please install using windows 95 or windows 98." and does not install anything.
    I tried using DOSBox, but I can't run the setup.exe or install.exe files from dos.
    I also tried to install directly from the 'World of Xeen disc 1' disc, and this installed a bunch of files to my hard drive, but xeen.exe causes the command prompt to hang, and install.exe just reinstalls the same files. If I try to run xeen.exe in DOSBox, it says 'no such file or directory'.

    Anyways, if anyone has any ideas of how to play any of the 'xeen' based MM games off of MM Millennium edition, please let me know!

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