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Oh yes....
02/16/2009, 20:23:54

    Bones writes:

    The LT2 tools were released so that people could make custom levels of NOLF, and it's from the NOLF site where we got the tools -- well before MM9 was released. There used to be an active NOLF editing community and their forums were very helpful for folks (like me) who hadn't done any work with 3D engines before.

    I also used WinREZ, but not a lot because it had some bugs in it. I relied on LithREZ, the REZ archiving tool. I won't tell you why you couldn't get the game to run your recompiled WORLD files. That will be one of your easier obstacles, so if you can't figure it out then you shouldn't be wasting your time in there anyway. However, if you do figure it out and want some further help, email me at telphelp at yahoo dot com.

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