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Good and bad news...
02/08/2009, 14:24:45

    Isildur writes:

    It wasn't like that, unfortunately... I got stuck behind a wall in the Academy and can't move, so I'm unable to leave Lindisfarne. Is there a way to give an all-Fighter party the Town Portal spell?

    Since it looks like that save's a no-go, I decided I'd speedrun the main quests through again using a god mode trainer, and finished five Jarls in one day. Now I have a whole new problem. I finished the monastery and got the Thjorad Hammer before talking to Sven, and when I did I told him straight away that I'd found it. He took it, but now he's stuck in a dialog loop and I can't finish his other quest!

    I tried removing the Thjorgard and monastery minisaves, and the Thjorad Hammer is back where it was, but now I can't pick it up. The monks won't move when I redo the bell quest, so I have to kill them. Do the unofficial patches fix this?

    By the way, thank you very much for all your help so far.

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