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I'll try
01/04/2009, 09:41:56

    Christy writes:

    In M&M 9, everytime you enter and leave a city, it's like going to another area and you are given a dialogue box to enter and leave it. I was able to get the dialogue box to enter Guberland City, but it won't appear to let me leave. I suspect I may have messed up the way Peter2 suggested, as I was in the Dook's Castle when I deleted the Gublerland area (not city) minisaves.

    Incidentally, I only deleted the minisaves for the day I was playing, as all the other Guberland minisaves were from other saved games I had. Should I have removed all of them anyway?

    I do have a question about the minisaves: what are the differences in the files there? Some are .MIN files, and there are other files marked Guberland_time (as opposed to just Guberland). Do all of these get deleted, or just the numbered plain Guberland files? I believe I left the Guberland_time files because I thought it would mess up the game day if I deleted them. However, I deleted the MIN files with the plain Guberland files. Should I have left them?

    Peter2, I tried deleting the minisaves again (as described above, the regular ones and the MIN files), but still no dialogue box. I will try re-installing the game and see if that works.

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