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Well, the plot is quite
08/16/2008, 19:10:43

    Zedd writes:

    different as in the timeline of the MM series, MM9 takes place after the destruction of the planet on which Enroth, Erathia, Jadame, etc. were located . . see HOMM III - Amrageddon's Blade and the clash of the Sword of Frost and Armageddon's Blade that caused a plaentary catastrophe.

    This was somewhat explained in HOMM IV where the prelude shows the angels excorting the surbiving population to the various "gates" to get them off the planet.

    Somehow, however, Prince (now ex-King) Nicolai ends up in MM9 also.

    MM9 takes place on a planet that was colonized primarily by Scandanavian peoples which appears to support my personal theory that the "Ancients" were actucally futuristic Earthmen.

    Snyhow, it is a good game, in my opinion, and once you get used to the "mouselook" system, it is quite easy to play.

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