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I believe we are divided on this issue
08/16/2008, 15:54:16

    Christy writes:

    However, as this is the MM9 Tavern, you might find more people here who like the game as the ones that did not probably frequent the other taverns much more than this one.

    Trying to be objective, I would say it depends on what you like about the M&M series.

    Personally, I hated it the first time I played it. The second time (which was a long time after the first), I enjoyed it. IMO it has the best storyline of them all (not including 1-5, which I haven't played). There were still some things I disliked about it, however: The clunky inventory system & the wandering teachers, mostly (aside from the unfixed problems).

    So, what is it that you really enjoy about M&M, what stopped you those three times, and what would really ruin the genre for you? Let us know and we could give you a better answer.

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