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What did you think of the druid?
07/07/2008, 14:56:10

    Peter2 writes:

    I reckon the druid is by a long way the best "half and half" character in MM9. He's weak at ranged combat, but with GM in Unarmed and Dodge, he's a bonny fighter in melée. And he has a very decent collection of spells.

    Referring to the extra LBs, I don't know if you realise, but only the mage and the lich can use those two extra LB positions. Even if they're in the "LB position book," (LPB) the priest can only use the first three positions.

    The way the game is set up, I'm not sure whether that's an inconsistency or not. If each of the spellcasters had their own LBP, there would be no problem, and yes, the priest can only save 3 positions in the LPB - the first 3. But as it is, the mage (say) can travel to any location saved in the LPB, no matter who saved it. So it's not a question of having to commit the co-ordinates to memory, or something like that. And if that's the case, why can't the priest do the same? The priest can travel to a position saved by the lich or the mage if it is saved in any of the first 3 positions in the LPB.

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