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06/18/2008, 02:44:03

    Peter2 writes:

    I don't think wands are rechargeable in this game, but I'm willing to be proved wrong if somebody out there knows better!

    My game tells me what damage my spell is doing; they appear transiently across the bottom of the advenuring screen. When killing the big dragon, I distinctly remember reading the damage my Poison Clouds did. However, there are limits. If you have a spell that hits multiple monsters, you won't get a report on every one.

    There are definitely benefits from adding to some skills beyond grandmastery, but it depends on the skill and the character. This is a fairly complex topic. For example, IIRC the damage an assassin does with a throwing weapon is not only tied to his skill levels in Thrown Weapon, but he also get an extra attack for every 3 levels above the 10 he needs for GM. But I don't belive that particular benefit applies to any other character. The interplay of weapon skill and armsmastery has received quite a lot of attention in the past - you could try searching (Ctrl F) past pages for it.

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