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Yep, I noticed that
01/29/2008, 08:04:36

    Zedd writes:

    and I have a game going right now. I am not a high enough level to try the Dook's "basement" yet (only levell 18), but at about level 30 or so I will try.

    I have a Gladiator currently with Master Disarm at 7 and I will attempt to accrue a few extra skill points to add to that when I get there to see what it does take at the master level to open that chest. I have two Assassins, one of which I could, eventually, train to GM Level for that chest, but I hate to waste the Skill points unnecessarily just for one chest - those points are better spent on the Blade skill for my Assassins.

    On the other hand, a dead party means game over for me, so maybe I will have to do that (bring an Assassin up to GM Disarm) unless I feel my Gladiator has enough HP to withstand the shock.

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