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You want a cheat?
10/10/2007, 15:21:34

    kkc writes:

    Here's a good one. Save your game before you leave the castle as a backup. Now, step out of the castle and let the game create an autosave file. Quit the game. Now use explorer to find and delete
    C:\Program Files\3DO\Might and Magic IX\SaveGames\autosave.MM9

    Delete it but delete only the MM9 file - leave the autosave.HDR file alone. The HDR file contains all important game info - the MM9 file only contains your current position and the status of the current map.

    OK, Restart the game and load the autosave saved game. Since there's no MM9 to build current map, you'll be placed back at the docks. (Note the area will now repawn so you'll have to kill things again but it sounds like you didn't kill much the first time).

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