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Well, I have some good news for you, but you might not want to hear it....
06/25/2007, 23:09:08

    Bones writes:

    First, the patch downloads from our site just fine, so something is odd on your end -- perhaps with your ISP. I presume that your current copy is OK, though.

    The patching software we use is extraordinarily cautious when updating files. It checks itself, then it checks the files to be updated, then it creates a new set of updated files and checks them for accuracy. The program will only swap an updated file for the original if everything has checked out.

    WORLDS.REZ is the largest of the files being updated, so if something is going to interfere with the process it usually happens to this file. There is one two typical source of error: background programs, especially firewall programs. AV programs might also cause problems. If you usually run these, disconnect from the web and turn them off before running the patch.

    Another possible source of problems is the NT file system. There's no proof of this and if it is a problem then there are probably other factors that are also required.

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