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Is the character with the jar highlighted when you click on the Bunsen?
04/24/2007, 15:51:20

    Peter2 writes:

    I'm pretty sure he has to be - try it. If it's not that, it may be a mouseclick problem. Try facing the Bunsen so that it's within "arm's reach", make sure the right character is highlighted, and press the Spacebar. If that doesn't work, I'm fresh out of ideas.

    I know there is a machine where if you pull the lever a regual person walks in and gets zapped and turned into a skeleton, am I suposed to do that first? As in, am I suposed to go in there and get zapped?


    And wont that kill the rest of my party?

    No. I guess the game assumes that the rest of your party waits just outside.

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