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Its like this
02/19/2007, 13:56:21

    fiffa46 writes:

    from what I can remember (has been a good year and a half sence I played it, though I did just start again last night). Anyone can get any skill, but to advance to Expert, Master, or Grandmaster you have to be of a certain class. Your basic fighter should not be able to become a grand master with a sword, he just hasn't been trained enough. Where as you Druid sould never be able to master the sword at all because they don't use them. I'm sure someone somewhere has a chart of what class can obtain what level for each skill. Though I don't know who has it. LOL
    Its been like that in pretty much all the Might and Magic games. Priests can't become skilled with swords, though they can pick one up and swing it (however ineffectivly). Knights can use them better then just basic fighters, and Paladins can use them even better. That sort of thing.

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