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Depends on your taste
02/19/2007, 06:15:13

    screwtype writes:

    It all depends on your taste. I don't know what it is about M&M, but I like a lot of things about their games. By contrast, I really hated Morrowwind, I thought it was a colossal bore. The graphics are okay, but the NPC's are all really annoying, the combat system sucks, and the user interface is truly dreadful.

    Even though I get a 15-20 second delay in MM9 trying to open any 3D screen, it's still far superior to the Morrowwind interface, that's how bad the thing is.

    Baldur's Gate series - I hate that too. It's based on the D&D system and D&D is completely inappropriate for computer games IMO. I very soon got tired of having my entire party dropping their lunch when they got hit by a couple of nasty spells in a row, but if that sort of thing doesn't bother you, then I guess you could give it a go.

    M&M has its problems too - the games are a bit too big (MM8 was anyhow) and quests can be too obscure, but it has a nice balance of exploration, combat and RP'ing that I like. I really wish the Morrowwind people had gone out of business instead of 3DO, because their game system is far inferior, but that's show biz I guess.

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  • typo - screwtype ( Mon 19-Feb-07 06:17:37 )