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Again OT: Sorry . . Well,
02/13/2007, 04:18:12

    Zedd writes:

    Bane wasn't too bad and I didn't play the original Crusaders, but rather Wizardry Gold which was an "enhanced" version of Crusaders. The main prioblem I found, was that I felt the game was too overbalanced in favor of the opposition in some areas. For example, the final Battle on level 8 of Crypt Isle is, if you get a bad roll of the dice, nearly unwinnable even with a very high level party.

    If you get a bad roll and the DS gets more than 2 Kui'Sa-Ka minions your party will be toast as they have 75% (average) paralyze with each hit and they rarely miss. If he only gets 1 or 2, you can beat him - 3 or more, forget it! It's random.

    I usually play "Iron Man" rules - no saving except on exit and a dead party=game over. I once got all the way to that battle with a level 29 party and he got 4 or those guys - I didn;t stand a chance . . after the first round my entire party was paralyzed.

    It kinda turned me off.

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