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gm learning
01/21/2007, 08:03:02

    Skraelos writes:

    i'm playing atm, nearly at ~lvl40 I've made my scholar promotion to lich, then I've completed coalition quest and got army back etc etc, made bath quest, honk and all others remaining - now only Njam left. And currently all my party members are ~70lvl, and lich is lvl132.

    I'm putting points in learning after each training, and some to elemental/dark/medi - now all these 3 skills are ~30 with the amulet of the spheres (which gives +5 all magic stats and +3 learning/medi)

    BTW, o/t, but important question: there is no way to remove weakness AT ALL? DI, purify don't remove it, temples too... I really hate resting - it's a waste of 8 game hours

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