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I used a different technique.
01/15/2007, 16:29:45

    Peter2 writes:

    If you proceed v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y along the path, and watch your warning light, it will turn red as soon as one of the monsters materialises behind you. If you immediately hit Return, spin round, and cast Turn Undead, it will flee from you and go back up the path. Then hit Return again to enter real-time mode, and flollow it. If you don't press it too closely, it will enter the tunnel where you entered the path, but it won't go past the far end of that tunnel. So you just follow it into the tunnel, keep Turn Undead up (i.e. recast it periodically), and you can shoot it to pieces at your leisure. It took some time, but I cleared the whole of the abyss path like that, without taking any serious damage.

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