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here's the vital list
12/30/2006, 10:28:25

    dumb writes:

    point of view is much more free, you look around by moving your mouse. Personally i feel this as a minus, but it depends on who's judging.

    You don't have the same freedom of movement, you're kinda "stuck to the path", but not quite as strictly so as in first person shooters. But still the same freedom back and forth between areas. Definately a minus

    Portraits are now horizontally hung up to the left. i liked the mm6-8 system better.

    accuracy of shots increased to near 100%, barely matters what direction you shoot as long as enemy is in sight. though "missing" when you visually hit is still present, thankfully.

    skill system is much the samme. Class system has actually been improved. You choose between two classes for everyone to begin with, and when you find promotion quests for the different subclasses (two subclasses to both of the main classes, then two subclasses to those two again). Bonus

    As mentioned you can no longer fly, which hangs together with beeing "stuck to the path". Clear minus

    Graphics completely lost the living joy and colorfullness they have in earlier game, and this alone can lead the game to a complete bore. Strong Minus

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